Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Chania Boys' Mission- 19th October 2008

On Sunday the 19th October 2008 I went to a mission at Chania Boys' High School in Thika. We had a blessed time of lively Praise and worship led by the Christian Union Praise team. I then spoke to the boys about Peer Pressure- highlighting certain factors that make young people vulnerable to negative Peer Pressure and how to manage peer pressure. They were glad to hear that negative peer pressure is not only a problem to the youth, but that even adults experience the problem, in varied dimensions.

My text Scripture came from Romans 12:2 (The Living Bible):

" Don't copy the behavior and the customs of this world, but be a new and different person, with a fresh newness in all you do and think. Then you will learn from your own experience how His ways will really satisfy you"

I also reminded the boys that they were each created in God's image and that God desires that our character, behavior, speech and attitude should conform to His(Genesis 1:26-27). We should all consider ourselves valuable because we are all individually, and corporately valuable and precious in God's sight (Psalm 139:14-15).

As we strive to live according to the will of God, we would face opposition, temptations and even enmity from those who try to influence us otherwise. This should not surprise us at all because our Lord Jesus Christ cautioned us already (John 3:13).

I encouraged them to have their personal value systems based on conviction and principles founded on the word of God, so that should they encounter negative influences from their peers, they have a basis for saying "no, I will not conform".

As a way of guarding against negative peer influence, I urged the boys to get wise in choosing friends because bad company corrupts good morals (Proverbs 13:20, 24:1-2 & 1 Corinthians 15:33).

I encouraged them to accept and embrace their uniqueness in Christ and not to try to be anyone else’s copy (Psalm 139:14-15, Genesis 1:26-27). Developing a healthy self-esteem is also important in ensuring emotional stability.

We are to set good example in behavior and speech because we are meant to be the salt of the earth influencing the corrupt world (1 Timothy 4:12).

Determine to make godly choices even if they are not pleasurable in the very immediate time(Hebrews 11:24-26).

I cautioned them to watch what they watch and listen to in the media.

The Media, Low Self-Esteem, Lack of Unity in the family, Lack of Parental guidance, Lack of Appreciation & love from home, Mistreatment by siblings/parents, Workaholic parents, overprotective parents, Uninvolved parents are some of the factors I highlighted as possible contributors to young people's susceptibility to negative peer influence. These factors would cause a young person to venture out seeking acceptance, approval and love elsewhere, at all cost.

Aware of the possible anxiety amongst the form 4 candidates who were to start the final exams this week, I also took the opportunity to pray for them and encourage them not to be fearful, but to approach the exams with a positive attitude, having done their part in studying and preparing all the while.

Below are some pictures taken during the mission:

The Praise team leading Praise and Worship....

We all joined in with enthusiasm as the boy skillfully played the keyboard....

They were all actively involved in the celebration....

I also danced and rejoiced with them...

One of the CU Leaders speaking to the students....

The outgoing School Captain addressing the congregation....

It was my turn to minister....

They are not just gullible, like the Berean Christians, they searched the Scripture to confirm the Truth in what I was teaching them....

They paid close attention too....they were engaged....

Then we prayed fervently.....

Thanks for your your support and prayers facilitating the success of these missions.

To God be all the Glory.

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