Since our last blog entry much has been happening in the Ministry, in the lives of the students we work with and in our personal lives. Jesus said: "My Father is always at His work" and so it is.
Besides the visible results from the work of our hands, there is the "unseen" work that manifest itself through daily life circumstances, transformed attitudes and hearts. While this is difficult to report on, or demonstrate with pictures & video, we believe that it is one of the most important aspects of ministry. And best of all, it is something we don't do....but something that occurs as God works in and through the lives of His people by faith.
Some of you know that one of our Feb/March Mission projects was to begin Phase 1 of the CML Resource Center. Phase 1 is the first part of this Building Project that includes several stages in and of itself. On this trip the work planned included; fencing the compound, starting the construction of the house and getting estimate and plans for modification of the local Church building. To our surprise and delight, we were joined in this endeavor by several students who were out of school for mid-term break.
They arrived eager to help and were seriously excited about laying the foundation for something that others, who would come after them, would benefit from. Side by side we dug holes, carried water, mixed mud, hauled timber and faced daily challenges when things didn't go as planned. On days we weren't building, we conducted Ministry sessions at local High Schools.
In the middle of long hours of hard labor, intense heat, challenges with materials & supplies, disagreements & differences of opinions...... I saw God at work!
It's hard to imagine a better classroom than the one of life in community. It slowly dawned on me that we were witnessing, and indeed part of, one of God's amazing teaching methods. Allowed to encounter various trials and challenges, the content of one's heart and true character is revealed and any cracks in our own "personal" foundation become painfully visible. With love however, God has provided all the materials needed for reinforcement and repair. The molding, shaping and rebuilding process is not so pretty sometimes (especially when it includes things like complaining, whining & grumbling) but if we hang in there He will enable us to stand firm and true.
As we worked together building a man-made structure, we were given a "visual" of how God has been shaping our individual characters towards Christ-likeness and building us together into His Church- the body of Christ!
It was so truly humbling to observe the various stages of God's construction in all of us through the responses to the challenges and stress we encountered during this particular Mission.
While the Lord's work is not yet complete in any of us....we nonetheless see progress and the fruit of the Spirit slowly growing and manifesting through our lives!
With that said, we can now show you some pictures and give details on the Project and other most recent events:
Phase 1 of the CML Resource Center Building Project
In answer to our prayers, this land was given for the future home of the CML Resource Center! Our first step after the land was cleared was to start fencing.
In the above picture, Marwa and Joab work digging holes for the fence posts. Once the holes were dug, the poles were placed and secured with concrete.
Next came stringing the barbed wire. Wow, what a great fence! We hope to have the gate up by end month.
With the vision of establishing the CML Ministry full time in the Rongo District and building a multi-purpose Center for the youth and community, we realized we would need somewhere to live. Williams 2- roomed "Simba"(bachelor's hut) has been a blessing, but can hardly contain the many students and visitors we receive.... not to mention, I don't have a kitchen there!
Originally we planned on building a ranch style brick house near the CML compound. However, due to shortage of funds (resulting from the current financial crisis) we decided to focus the use of the little funds available to the Programs that impact the students directly and to begin Phase 1 of the Resource Center Building Project.
Given the fact that we need to be "on-sight" throughout the construction Project (which may take a few years), and that we need a place the students can come and stay, we decided to: (1) build a very simple traditional style mud house for us, and (2) make modifications to the unused portion of the existing local Church building.
Together, these two facilities will serve as our home, headquarters for the CML office, and provide space for a small library, meeting area and guest quarters. Best of all, once the Resource Center is completed, the house and renovated space at the Church would still be used for other ministry purposes.
And so it was that on Feb 20th, joined by students, family members and friends, we broke ground for the house.
Below, are pictures of students mixing mud, 'mudding' the wall and various stages of the house building process.
In addition to the construction Projects, we also conducted 5 in-School Ministry Sessions and attended a Sports Tournament for local High Schools while upcountry.
We were greatly blessed visiting Ulanda Girls, Kokuro Boys, Kanga Boys, Sigiria Mixed School and Dede Girls to share God's word and interact with the students. Making this time even more special, we were joined by Elisha & George, two former students that have been active in the CML Ministry programs.
Elisha is one of last year's beneficiaries of the CML Students Scholarships, and he and George have both attended several of the CML Student Camps. Both these young men have amazing testimonies of God's provision and love in their lives and they likewise express their gratitude for CML and the opportunities and assistance the Ministry has given them.
Here Elisha is stressing a point as he addresses the boys at Kokuro High School. Having passed through the same challenges they are currently facing, he encourages the boys reminding them that they are not alone and that God's love and provision is there for them just as it was for him.
In addition to speaking at the schools, we were also able to distribute text books, school supplies and needed personal items to students. Here is William working out of the back of our truck, which became our library/supply store on wheels!
Simple items such as soap (for bathing & washing uniforms) toothpaste, toilet paper, shoe polish, sanitary pads, Vaseline and exercises books are often beyond the financial means of many Kenyan students.
The First Annual Kanga-Open Sports Tournament was held at Kanga Boys High School Feb 21st & 22nd.
Once again we thank SoccerGrow for their partnership which made it possible for us to sponsor this event. In addition to the Soccer balls they provided, we were able to give assistance with a PA system, and provide trophies and certificates of participation.
We give thanks to God for all that He is doing as He builds our faith in all things!
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