Sunday, August 22, 2010

August Youth Conference in Nairobi

Wow is the best word to describe the 2010 "Count Me In" August Youth Conference in Nairobi!

Once again the event was held at the Clarence Matheny Ministry Center and this year there were over 600 youth from all across the nation.

Our group traveled the farthest distance (arriving some 10 hours after leaving Rongo) and if you've never taken public transportation with 30 kids in Kenya, well let me just say that the journey is part of the experience!

We were abundantly blessed during the 5 day event that consisted of daily teaching & breakout sessions and outdoor activities. A major highlight for our kids was when the CML soccer team made it's way to the football (soccer for our American readers) finals. This competition, provided us a chance to shout and cheer for our team and to learn a "God lesson".

Out sized and outnumbered by the other teams, someone said "we look like grasshoppers next to them". They were bigger and better equipped.... and standing next to our smaller kids, most of whom didn't even have shoes, I have to admit even my heart sank for a moment.

It was a great opportunity however to remind ourselves that God doesn't look at outward appearances but instead looks at our heart, our willingness, and our faithfulness. This is something we have been trying to teach our youth and were now getting a chance to apply in real life.

So -we encouraged our players to dedicate themselves and the game to the Lord with the goal of glorifying Him in how they played and to believe that with God all things are possible. We likewise encouraged the cheerleaders to continue cheering no matter how far down the score was and to not loose hope. And so they did. We were down several times but never defeated and went on to overcome the odds and in the end took 2nd place over all!!!

God is Good...all the time!

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