Friday, February 1, 2008

December Students' Camp at Kanga High School

We held our second Students’ Camp from the 11th to 16th of December during the schools’ vacation. Once again, The Christian Mission to Learners was in partnership with the Missions and Outreach Team from NPC Buru Buru. The camp was held at Kanga Boys High School which is located in the Rongo District of Nyanza Province.

The group photos- Students and Facilitators

Twelve different area schools were represented with a total of twenty-two students participating, nine facilitators and three local guests attending. The theme for the Camp was “Balanced for Life” with the key scripture verses being 1 Thessalonians 5:23 and 3 John 1:2.

During the six-day camp, students were given the opportunity to develop spiritually and physically through daily participation in interactive teaching sessions, outdoor games, one-on-one counseling and various other small group activities.

Students playing Basketball.....other games included soccer and Badminton

Group counseling sessions: Joel, Peter & Carolyne

Marwa, Daniel, Job & Joel

Tom, Mary & Denise

Isaac & Elisha

Pst. Jeremiah & Suzan

Raphael & William

Students socializing during lunch

William facilitating the session on Spirit, Soul & Body

Of equal (or perhaps even greater value) is praise and worship, in which the students were enthusiastically engaged.

Evans leading the group in Praise & Worship

We are engrossed in Worship, wonderful moments!
It has long been the prayer of CML, that God would use the Camp Ministry to effectively impact the lives of the young people attending, leading them into a closer relationship with the Lord and helping them identify Gods specific purpose for their lives. That prayer was joyfully answered during this Camp when two returning students, Peter Paiyineetto and Evans Wagoro, came forward and took on leadership roles facilitating in some of the teaching sessions.

Peter teaching the session on Sexual Purity

Evans facilitating the session on Media and its effects

Furthermore, CML enthusiastically welcomes their interest in becoming CML Ministry volunteers as they wait to join College or University. We give glory to God for what He is doing in their lives, and the lives of the other students we have had the privilege of ministering to and fellowshipping with.

One of the groups during Bible Study session...time to search the scriptures!

A newly added session called “Small Group Workshop & Presentation” quickly became one of the students’ favorites.

The first day of Camp each student was assigned to a small group and the groups were then given a daily “Question of the Day”.

The questions came from the subject matter covered during one of the day’s teaching sessions, and had to be tackled through participatory group discussions. Each group would then appoint one of their members to present the group’s response to the Question of the Day. The answer presented was to reflect the group members’ opinions and had to be supported by scriptural references.

Following are just 2 examples of questions given:

1) As a Christian believer, how do you strike a balance in choosing your career considering the need for a good income, social prestige (or status) and the desire to honor your parent’s wishes?

2) As a Christian believer, would you distribute condoms to the general public in your strategic fight against HIV/AIDS?

Seth contributing during the group workshop discussions....the rest are actively listening

As you can imagine there were some lively debates regarding the questions and we all had a great time. Most impressive however, were the thoughtful and insightful answers given by these young people. We were all encouraged and blessed by the addition of this session!

The girls discussing their specific challenges

The boys also met to talk about their specific challenges

Other daily sessions covered during the Camp included the following teachings: Who is God - Who is man - Spirit, Soul & Body - Who are we in Christ Self-Esteem - Peer Pressure - Emotional Problems - Relationships HIV/AIDS - Sexual Purity – Media - Drug /Substance Abuse Life Purpose-Academic Excellence -Career Choice & Development –Christian Leadership How to Live a Balanced Life.

Winnie facilitating the Self Esteem session

Isaac teaching on Who is God?

Jumba facilitated the session on Drug & Substance abuse

Amani teaching on Who is Man?

Daniel facilitating the session on Peer Pressure

Muasa facilitating the session on Academic Excellence

The immediate impact of the CML Camp Program is best determined by the students themselves and can be gleaned from their following comments:

"The CML Camp is a noble idea, it transforms many lives. May God help you realize the vision.”

“I am inspired and spiritually nourished. I expanded my knowledge about God and have made new friends.”

“We were provided with everything and lived as a family, not just as people who came to a camp.”

In fact I was spiritually blessed so much. I use to think I knew everything but I came to realize that I still need to know more about God.”

“I have grown spiritually and emotionally”

“I am very grateful for the organizing of this Camp because I’ve learned many things which I may not have known - God Bless You.”

“I have learned how to keep myself sexually pure and how to deal with Peer Pressure.”

“The CML vision will bring more students to Christ.”

“Thanks for showing concern to this youthful & needful generation.”

We thank all the participants, sponsors and facilitators for the success of the Camp and give thanks and glory to God!

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