Thursday, August 30, 2007

The CML Students' Camp at Kanga High School- 14th to 19th August 2007.

The Christian Mission to Learners held its first Students' Camp during the August schools vacation. Once again, CML partnered with members of the Missions and Outreach Department of NPC Buruburu. We held the camp from 14th to 19th of August at Kanga Boys' High School, and students from seven High schools and one Primary School attended. WOW! is the best word I can think of to describe the week!

We agreed that this sign near the entrance to the library and classrooms at the school is a good start to this blog entry.

We began on Tuesday, August 14 with registration starting at 3pm. After supper, Brother William Ochieng took the team of students and facilitators through a session during which he outlined the theme of the camp and the rules and regulations that would ensure the efficient process of the camp.

Here we are - facilitators and students enjoying breakfast of tea and bread on Wednesday morning. I will introduce you to the facilitators as you view the photos of the teaching sessions. The students you will also 'meet' later...although I will say that the student hanging over the breakfast table is Jared Omondi.

Let me say here that each day began with 6am devotions in the Library - for obvious reasons there are no photos...but believe me those were precious hours...

Our first session on Wednesday morning set the foundation for the whole week. The teaching was on "Who is God?" Brother Isaac Agura delivered an excellent message about how we know God exists and what His attributes are. What a blessing for the students, as well as the facilitators!

He ended his message with prayer during which he invited any who had not already accepted Christ as their Lord and Savior to raise their hand for prayer.

Kenneth accepted the invitation and you can see him here in prayer with Brother Isaac. We are so excited for Kenneth and all were blessed to start our week this way!

Sister Amani Muhonja talked about "Who is Man" (Original Creation)? It was great for the students to hear about God's true plan for mankind.

Every session began with a time of praise and worship - as you can see the kids love this part!

After lunch Brother Daniel Khisa spoke about the three parts of every person "Spirit, Soul & Body" - we are Spirit beings, we have a Soul and we live in a Body.

Daniel kept us awake and alert by singing a song called "Fishers of Men"...whenever we sing "fishers" the girls stand up...

...and whenever we sing "men" the boys stand up - much fun!

Open forum time was a great opportunity for the students to interact with each other and the facilitators - and for us to hear from the students.

Then we all went outdoors for a fun time of games and "social time" can see us beginning the 'warm up' process here - led by Brother Daniel.

More warm up as we're all jumping and bending and twisting.

Then for the real fun! Soccer, the boys have their hands behind their backs so that they don't have much advantage over the girls, but also just to make it more fun!

One could hardly believe we had energy left for volleyball!

Here the whole team both students and facilitators divided into two teams and it's time for the tug of war!

And then, of course, a time of cooling down.

After dinner Brother Mbiu Muasa ended the day with a teaching entitled "Who Are We in Christ". He outlined our rights and privileges in Christ. Among other things, he explained what it means to be Redeemed, Justified and Sanctified in Christ.

And it was a good day...

Sister Winnie Mueni began our teaching day on Thursday with "Self-Esteem". She helped us to understand what self-esteem is and what causes low and high self-esteem. She stressed that "when we know who we are in Christ, we have confidence."

Then it began to rain! It rained so hard on the iron-roofed classroom that Winnie could no longer be heard - Meanwhile, Sister Winnie found time to outline on the board the four basic personalities, and everybody tried to locate themselves.

One of our biggest challenges of the week was staying on track with time...this day was off to a great start - until it rained! Oh much for the plans of man...

After the rain Winnie shared about the four basic Personalities - Sanguine, Choleric, Melancholy and Phlegmatic - the students had a great time learning about this concept and later broke into small groups for discussion on the same.

After a lively 'open forum' session, we ended the morning with prayer.

Brother Daniel followed with a talk about "Peer Pressure". He stressed that there is positive as well as negative peer pressure and discussed the various causes of negative peer pressure. Again, when we know our identity in Christ that is our greatest weapon against the pressure we all feel to 'conform to this world'.

After lunch Sister Amani shared with the students about "Emotional Issues". She covered feelings of loneliness, anxiety, guilt and fear among others. She explained that emotions are not good or bad but it is "how we yield to them that determines a good or bad outcome".

Sister Amani led us in a song "I love the Bible" in preparation for the small group time.

Here you see we are gathered in the Library.

The small group time gave the students an opportunity to determine and discuss their own and each other's Personality type.

Sister Denise Davenport led the first teaching session of the day on Friday. As she spoke about
HIV/AIDS...she drew a very helpful visual on the board - 3 circles showing the interconnectedness of our Spirit, Soul and Body. She then determined that the students have all the facts they need about the HIV/AIDS, its causes and how to prevent it, and then issued the challenge. "Why, then, does this virus continue to spread?"

After another open forum session where many questions were asked and answered, student Peter Paiyineetto presented a song he wrote - it was such a joy to see the talent and fun these students had with the times of 'presentations'.

And then there is the praise team...
Peter Paiyineetto (Praise Team Leader), Ken Ojuok, Elsie Obwanda, Monica Auma, Evans Wagoro and Job Omondi

Brother William Ochieng followed Denise's session with an excellent teaching on "Media". He reminded the kids that "we are not to love the world" and shared many of the negative effects of media today. He also reminded us all that there are also positive aspects of the media - a good thing to remember!

Another presentation when students; Joel Ogweno and Ken Ojuok were accompanied by facilitator Amani Muhonja (who is herself a student - at Nairobi Evangelical Graduate School of Theology (NEGST) in Karen)

After lunch Brother Daniel shared a message about "Drug and Substance Abuse" He talked about the effects of substance abuse and reminded the students that the word of God recommends that we be filled by the Holy Spirit and not be drunk with other substances.

A lively open forum discussion followed, after which both the students and facilitators spent a couple of hours on the field playing games and enjoying fine outdoor fellowship!

After dinner the students gathered again, this time to hear Sister Denise talk about "Sexual and Moral Purity"...she had touched on the topic earlier in the day during the HIV/AIDS discussion, but during this hour she shared God's perspective on sexual intimacy and gave practical guidelines on how to avoid temptation.
She emphasized the truth that sex was a God- given gift to the couples inside the godly and lawful marriage covenant. She reminded the students that "there is a time for everything" is the time for studies...there will come a time for marriage.

Late in the evening became the favorite hour - RIDDLES! Brother William initiated this fun and competitive game. The students were in teams and each team was to submit a riddle for the other teams to solve...they earned points for solving the riddle or stumping the other teams - it was a great idea to end the day!

Saturday's teaching began with Brother William sharing an excellent message on "Academic Excellence" Sister Joanna had this to comment regarding the session: "...all I can say is I WISH I HAD HEARD THIS 40 YEARS AGO! I mean it, the practical ideas he presented as well as encouragement for how to study well would have made me a better student - guaranteed...these students are blessed to have heard this teaching."

William conducted back-to-back sessions as he shared with the students on the topic of "Career Choice and Development"...during this teaching he touched on life purpose as he illustrated with a student's pen how we are each created for a unique purpose. When we are using our God-given gifts and talents, we are like a pen being used to write a letter, or novel or term paper. But when we try to live up to the expectations of our culture, our parents or our peers we are like a pen being used to stir a cup of coffee - it works, but it is not the highest and best use of the pen.

He also emphasized the truth that for efficiency, optimal output, effectiveness and true success in any career, the choice should start with one accepting Christ as the Lord and Saviour, and pursuing a career in which one uses their spiritual gifts and God-given talents in God's purpose and for His glory.

One of the most valuable aspects of this camp was the one-on-one counseling. These sessions afforded the students an opportunity to share their life struggles, challenges and goals, as well as their thoughts and feelings with the facilitators who were available to guide, direct and/or just listen. Most importantly each session ends with prayer and is designed to help the student always turn to the Lord for answers to life's challenges.

After lunch we were all blessed by the teaching brought to us by Brother Kevin Elijah on "Life Purpose"...he based his teaching on Prov 19:21 "Many are the plans in the mind of a man, but it is the purpose of the Lord that will stand."

Ken and Joel are singing a song written by Joel - we were all blessed by the presentations.

Our youngest student - Tom, who arrived on Saturday - is thoroughly enjoying the show! Tom is William's nephew...and is 11 years old in class 5 (5th grade in the US)

Evans Wagoro, one of the students, is articulate as he presents his well-thought-out comment on the question posed during this open forum session; "If offered a job at a beer or cigarette factory, would you accept?"

After saying a sad fairwell to two of our facilitators, Daniel Khisa and Isaac Agura, Brother Nick Juma energetically and passionately taught about "Christian Leadership".

Saturday was our last full day together as a group so we ended the day by hearing from each student and facilitator; words of appreciation, and encouragement. We all experienced a feeling of sadness as we began to really sense and feel the connections that had been forged during this time of learning, worship and fellowship, knowing that this precious time would end all too soon. The consolation was that we were all connected with the love of Christ and in Christ we are not far apart. Contacts were exchanged amongst the students and the facilitators, and it was recommended that we try to be in communication with one another even as we keep each other in prayers.

Our Sunday morning sermon was entitled "How to Live a Balanced Life". We were all thoroughly blessed by Brother Nick's energy and passion as he ended his message with a call to say "yes" to Jesus and move into a higher level of service to the Kingdom.

Many hands were raised and many students came forward to be prayed for by the facilitators - it was truly inspiring to see God at work in these young people's lives over the few days we were all together!

Following the service, the girls met with the female facilitators and the boys met with the male facilitators to share as a group the challenges they face as young people.
The number one challenge for the girls, as you can guess, is how to handle growing feelings for
boys...especially when so many of their classmates are having boyfriends and receiving letters from them (it is a common practice in the schools here and cause for much joy to the girls who receive them and discouragement on the part of the girls who do not)...The girls were encouraged to remember Who they belong to and what their purpose is during this stage of life. The students were reminded that there is a time for everything under heaven...

In the photo above from left to right you see Elsie, Amani, Joanna, Winnie, Linah, Monica, Edna and Denise - all the girls at camp!

Here is the whole group - students, facilitators and even some of the people who worked in the 'background' to help make this camp the success that it was.
Left to right in top row: Peter, Joseph, Elsie, Amani, Winnie, Pastor Paul, Marwa, Joel, William, Seth, Kevin, Nick and Ken.
Left to right kneeling: Edna, Linah, Suzan, Monica, Denise, Tom and Job
Left to right in front: Jared and Kenneth (Sister Joanna took this photo)

Second photo of the whole group, (Sister Joanna took Denise's spot as Denise took the photo)

As a final note, we would like to say:


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